Today’s Journey Tarot June 2024 Forecast

ARIES – Big decisions often benefit from the wisdom of someone who has more experience than you. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, and use that advice to guide you toward your own choice. It is time to decide and success is very close now.

TAURUS – Don’t take chances on iffy ventures right now. It seems like a favorable time to chill out and wait for better opportunities. Someone may try to talk you in to something that won’t be in your best interest and will not turn out as you expect.

GEMINI – It is okay to dream big. Allow you intuition to guide you and do what you think is best. There will be help along the way. Look for it. And never, ever stop believing in yourself or your dream. One moment of doubt could derail everything.

CANCER – A pretty uneventfulmonth is in store and that will be welcomed. However, there may be a return of someone who has taken advantage of you before. Use what you learned last time to avoid being taken advantage of again and they will look elsewhere. 

LEO – You are in a very good position right now and there’s really nothing else you need to be doing. Accept your good fortune as it comes and try not to be impatient for it or try to force it. Enjoy abundance and stability.

VIRGO – Pay attention. Something you’ve been looking for is finally arriving. The timing is just about right for it to succeed. It might be productive to include others in your plans, especially if you haven’t up until now. Investors perhaps? Or maybe even partners.

LIBRA – When you walk away from something, there is always something else waiting for you. Believe that you deserve it and that there are no limits to what you can manifest for yourself. It may be something entirely different because there is learning involved, but that’s what makes life interesting.

SCORPIO – If you haven’t already, plan a vacation – even a short one for this summer. You need a change of scenery to revitalize and inspire you. It is also past due for you to have some fun and just play for a while.

SAGITTARIUS – A lot of new things will be starting this month and it is a good time for new beginnings, however not everything will work out in your favor. Nurture what seems to be easily attainable and let the rest go. Don’t waste your time on what isn’t working.

CAPRICORN – Don’t hold back. The only one putting limitations on you is you. Take control and move forward, even if it seems a bit risky at times. All great things come with a little risk. With you in control, the risk is minimal.

AQUARIUS – A new beginning is coming. Trust yourself to do what you need to do to make it successful. All of the details may not have been worked out yet, but you are close to making your move. There is freedom and renewal in this process.

PISCES – Things really start to improve this month. It feels like a weight has been lifted and you are more grounded than you have been for a long time. Expect new ideas to come along with this energy and an enthusiasm for new projects.

Teresa Sue McAdams, co-creator of “Today’s Journey Tarot”, co-author of “Today’s Journey Tarot, A Traveler’s Guide”, co-author of “Tarot Meditations, A Journal for Self-Discovery”, and author of “Lessons, The Wisdom Within Each Moment”

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