Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-31-23

5-31-23 Today’s Tarot is the Four of Air. Rest when you need to. There is absolutely no shame in that. This card is about rest and respite.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-30-23

5-30-23 Today’s Tarot is the Ten of Air. Better days are ahead. They always are and they always will be. Look for positive signs. This card is about optimism and renewal.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-29-23

5-29-23 Today’s Tarot is the Mother of Fire. Follow your passion. What you are passionate about will succeed. This card is about strength and creating success.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-28-23

5-28-23 Today’s Tarot is the Eight of Earth. Just keep doing what you are doing. Sometimes hard work and persistence are all that is needed. You are still perfecting your abilities. This card is about skill and effort.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-27-23

5-27-23 Today’s Tarot is Key 19 Illumination. Freedom comes from letting go. If you continue to hold on so tightly, you will be left with what you may not want. This card is about liberation and releasing.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-26-23

5-26-23 Today’s Tarot is the Mother of Air. Do not be too quick to judge. It is possible that you do not know all of the facts. If you need to walk away, do so without judgement. This card is about truth and discernment.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot June 2023 Forecast

ARIES – Stay in balance. A lot of things may try to pull you this way and that. If you lose yourself in them you won’t even be able to think straight. One thing at a time and things of your own choosing.

TAURUS – Be good to yourself this month. You seem to need some extra pampering and nurturing. Maybe take a spa day or spend a day in the park or doing your favorite things. Release what is weighing you down.

 GEMINI – Might be time for some changes. If you are feeling the urge to change some things, the Universe is backing you up. Just make certain you are in control of these changes and you are the one initiating them.

CANCER – Need a vacation? Make it happen. Maybe you can’t afford a month at a resort, but a day at the beach (even a local lake) is doable. There is always a way if you are willing to compromise a little.

LEO – If you are in over your head and feel pressure and stress, some things may need to be eliminated from your daily schedule. Over achieving is not an art, it is a lucky accident and rarely leaves time for enjoying life.

VIRGO – Listen to good advice. Do not seek it from someone who knows less than you or your outcome could be disastrous. Good solid, experience – yours or someone else’s is the best guidance. 

LIBRA – Seek answers. Don’t just wait for them to come to you. Do your research, consult an expert, or take some classes. Prepare yourself and enlighten your mind and everything will flow easily to you.

SCORPIO – Make your decision based on what you see and know, rather than on your desires. You seem to be waiting for everything to be in exactly the right place. Maybe the Universe is waiting for you to make a move.

SAGITTARIUS – Do not let others’ judgements bring you down. What you think about yourself is the most important opinion and should not include judgements at all, only accomplishments.

CAPRICORN – Fun and relaxation are the keys to this month. The more you relax, the more you will accomplish. So time with friends, doing what you enjoy most, just being, are all good choices.

AQUARIUS – Whatever you do, it is good to be fully prepared beforehand. Know your limits, your strengths and work with both. This is not a time to try and just wing it. You need to do your homework.

PISCES – If whatever is in your way is not moving, perhaps you aren’t meant to either. Often what delays us, saves us. Just relax and wait for everything to clear.

Teresa Sue McAdams, co-creator of “Today’s Journey Tarot”, co-author of “Today’s Journey Tarot, A Traveler’s Guide”, co-author of “Tarot Meditations, A Journal for Self-Discovery”, and author of “Lessons, The Wisdom Within Each Moment”

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-25-23

5-25-23 Today’s Tarot is the Ten of Earth. Learn from your experiences instead of repeating past mistakes. You will continue to have the same issues until you do. This card is about cycles and experience.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-24-23

5-24-23 Today’s Tarot is the Ten of Fire. If it doesn’t work one way, find another. There is always a way around any obstacle. This card is about frustration and hopelessness.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 5-23-23

5-23-23 Today’s Tarot is the Nine of Fire. When you hide yourself away because of fear, you are only isolating and limiting yourself. You cut off access to solutions. This card is about the limitations of fear.

Teresa Sue McAdams