Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-31-21

1-31-21 Today’s Tarot is the Mother of Air. Truth does not stay the same. It changes from day to day just like everything else. Whatever you believe, is the truth for you today. This card is about judgment and truth.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-30-21

1-30-21 Today’s Tarot is the Nine of Air. If you start to feel overwhelmed, it is no good continuing what you are doing. Something has got to give. Perhaps it is your need to do everything all at once. One thing at a time. This card is about pressure and feeling overwhelmed.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-29-21

1-29-21 Today’s Tarot is Key 14 Discernment. Do what is right for you. Anything else could be damaging or unhealthy. Just do it with kindness for all involved. This card is about harmony and balance.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-28-21

1-28-21 Today’s Tarot is the Four of Air. There are times when rest is the only thing we need to do. It is essential for our health: mentally, physically and emotionally. It is not weakness, it is the building block of strength. Rest. This card is about healing and respite.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-27-21

1-27-21 Today’s Tarot is the Child of Water. Encourage artistic ability in others, even if you don’t understand their art. Expression is essential for learning more about each other and ourselves. It is the only true way of seeing inside another person. This card is about awakening creativity and emotions.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-26-21

1-26-21 Today’s Tarot is the Youth of Fire. There is a time and a place for everything and now is not the time to be spontaneous or impulsive. These times call for clear and carefully planned actions. There will be a time again soon for reckless abandon. This card is about spontaneity and recklessness.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot February 2021 Forecast

ARIES – Positive thinking creates positive manifestations. Negative thinking creates negativity. It makes sense to practice every day to create the most positive thoughts you can and let the negative ones float on by. It will change your life.

TAURUS – You may need to spend some time this month helping another. It will be a distraction and inconvenience for you, and maybe a lot of work, but you will also benefit from it. What we give, we always get back.

GEMINI – We all occasionally put our trust in the wrong place. Just back out and start over. Use your own ingenuity to get you back on track. It will be better in the long run. Depending on others is a slippery slope.

CANCER – Find a peaceful place where you can spend time. You need a place where you can turn off the world for a while and recharge. If you do, you’ll also find new ideas and inspirations.

LEO – There really are no mistakes. Every choice takes us somewhere. It may be where we never wanted to go or never expected to go, but that is how we learn. Putting off a choice, is the choice.

VIRGO – Before you make a choice, you should always take time to consider, even if it is only a minute or two. Quick decisions this month could lead you into nothing but trouble.

LIBRA – This should be a good month for you. Everything points to abundance and liberation. Go with the flow of the energy and keep your emotions in check for maximum results.

SCORPIO – Stay focused on your goals. It may be hard for a while, but when you’ve made progress it is a lot easier to take a break, than if you have not accomplished anything. Plan a reward for a job well done.

SAGITTARIUS – Don’t lose control, no matter what happens. If you do, then someone else will too and it will escalate into something you do not want to happen. Losing control usually does. Chill.

CAPRICORN – Take a chance. As long as you are as prepared as possible, you cannot fail. You may not get exactly what you wanted, but every experience leads somewhere. Keep positive expectation alive.

AQUARIUS – It might be time to stop following the crowd. You are a leader, not a follower. Your ideas are innovative and exciting. Go where they are appreciated and fulfilled.

PISCES – You’ve come a long way. This month things really start to come together for you and you are able to see the rewards of success. So, slow down a bit and let the Universe work its magic. It is not all up to you.

Teresa Sue McAdams, co-creator of “Today’s Journey Tarot”, co-author of “Today’s Journey Tarot, A Traveler’s Guide”, co-author of “Tarot Meditations, A Journal for Self-Discovery”, and author of “Lessons, The Wisdom Within Each Moment”

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-25-21

1-25-21 Today’s Tarot is the One of Air. Gather your thoughts. You are all over the place and it is difficult to choose. Make a list if you have to, but get some direction in mind. This card is about clarity and intellect.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-24-21

1-24-21 Today’s Tarot is the Three of Earth. Each of us has a unique perspective on the world. Mine is not better than yours, only different. Express your true self, in a way that can be appreciated. This card is about recognition and artistry.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-23-21

1-23-21 Today’s Tarot is Key 3 Creativity. Whatever you can imagine, you can create. It might not happen overnight, but it will happen. Start now. This card is about imagination and new birth.

Teresa Sue McAdams