Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-30-18

9-30-18 Today’s Tarot is Key 13 Transition. Life is about change, although we tend to resist it vehemently. Resisting doesn’t make the change go away, it only creates more unhappiness. This card is about transformation and passages.

Teresa Sue McAdams

card 13

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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-29-18

9-29-18 Today’s Tarot is the Child of Fire. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. What has captured your energy lately? Energy should not be wasted unproductively.  This card is about obsession and potential.

Teresa Sue McAdams

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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-28-18

9-28-18 Today’s Tarot is the Seven of Air. Be aware of someone trying to take advantage of you today. No one can, unless you let them. This card is about dishonesty and being victimized.

Teresa Sue McAdams

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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-27-18

9-27-18 Today’s Tarot is the Two of Water. Relationships are sometimes fragile. Feelings can be hurt so easily. Any type of relationship should enhance your life, not limit it. This card is about partnership and commitment.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Two of Water

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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-26-18

9-26-18 Today’s Tarot is the Ten of Fire. You may be feeling overwhelmed today. We all do from time to time. It is normal and will pass. Do not force yourself to keep going when you are accomplishing nothing. Wait for things to clear. This card is about feeling burdened and overwhelmed.

Teresa Sue McAdams

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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-25-18

9-25-18 Today’s Tarot is the Three of Fire. You have completed one goal, now what? Always have a new objective in mind. There are no limits. This card is about realizations and success.

Teresa Sue McAdams

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Today’s Journey Tarot October 2018 Forecast


ARIES – Don’t worry. It just wastes energy and does not accomplish anything! You are much more in control than you believe and if you aren’t, it is because you believe you can’t. Just figure out what you need to do and do it. You’ve got this.

TAURUS – Every dream is risky. No matter what you do, you could fail. Luckily that doesn’t keep people from trying new things and dreaming new dreams. Stay focused, give it your all and go for it. You will never know if you don’t try.

GEMINI – Try to look at a situation from a different point of view. It is easy to get stuck believing what we’ve always thought was true, but if that doesn’t offer solutions, it is no longer effective. Open up to new possibilities.

CANCER – This will be a very active month for you. Get out there and enjoy all that is offered. It may take some effort, but you seem to ultimately thrive on all of the excitement. You are not meant to be home, alone.

LEO – Take a break from trying to do everything for everybody. If nothing else, a couple of hours away, on your own would be very beneficial. It’s been too long since you just escaped for a while. We all need that from time to time.

VIRGO – You may be called upon to offer encouragement to a friend. Their mistake is obvious to you, but we all see things from different perspectives, and to them it is not so clearly perceived. Rather than judge, teach by example and offer unconditional support.

LIBRA – There is always a chance to rebuild or start again. The circular movement of the Universe means that the moment something is lost, something else is being found. You just have to allow the growth to occur. You have plenty of others supporting you and cheering you on.

SCORPIO – There are people in life who take advantage of others. That’s just what they do. It is up to the rest of us to recognize this and act accordingly. We can’t change their behavior, but we can stop being susceptible to their manipulation. It is much easier than trying to change them.

SAGITTARIUS – If things do not turn out as expected this month, it is not because they never will or you’ve done something wrong. Expectations can be tricky and very limiting. There is always something else beyond them that may be better than anything you can imagine.

CAPRICORN – Open up about what you are feeling and let others offer advice and support. Hiding will not solve anything. It leaves you alone with your thoughts, which can sometimes be discouraging. Make yourself let others in.

AQUARIUS – You are finished with something when it no longer feels right to you, when it stifles your creative flow or inhibits your independence. This can definitely apply to people as well. It is time to be honest with yourself.

PISCES – Great balanced energy around you this month. It is very creative and healing. You created it, so tap into it for whatever comes your way. There should be very few obstacles and a lot of progress, no matter what you do.

Teresa Sue McAdams, co-creator of “Today’s Journey Tarot”, co-author of “Today’s Journey Tarot, A Traveler’s Guide”, co-author of “Tarot Meditations, A Journal for Self Discovery”, and author of “Lessons, The Wisdom Within Each Moment”




Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-24-18

9-24-18 Today’s Tarot is the Seven of Earth. Patience. Sometimes all you can do is wait. If you act too soon or at the wrong time, what good will it do? It’s not time yet. This card is about patience.

Teresa Sue McAdams

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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-23-18

9-23-18 Today’s Tarot is the Four of Air. If you get beat down, it makes no sense to keep getting up until you have regained your strength. You’ll be right back down again. This card is about healing and rest.

Teresa Sue McAdams


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Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 9-22-18

9-22-18 Today’s Tarot is the Seven of Fire. It’s worth a little inconvenience sometimes to pursue your dreams.  Everything has a price. The demands of any choice are either worth it or they are not. It is totally up to you. This card is about pressure and adversity.

Teresa Sue McAdams

seven of fire

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