Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-31-23

3-31-23 Today’s Tarot is the One of Water. Emotional energies are high today. Stay low key and try not to make waves you will soon lose control of. This card is about the intensity of emotions.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-30-23

3-30-23 Today’s Tarot is Key 18 Intuition. Follow your own instincts before following another’s. How it feels to you is all that matters, not what someone else, who isn’t you, feels. Act accordingly. This card is about perception and reflection.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-29-23

3-29-23 Today’s Tarot is Key 3 Creativity. Be creative. Use your imagination to solve problems or come up with new ideas. If your creativity is a little stale, stimulate it with music, art or poetry. This card is about imagination and creativity.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-28-23

3-28-23 Today’s Tarot is the Father of Fire. Always keep your life in balance. For example, work and play should equal each other. What you give up for one will create an unfulfilling amount in the other. This card is about power and focused success.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-27-23

3-27-23 Today’s Tarot is the Father of Earth. Spend a moment or two in a state of thankfulness today. There is always something to be thankful for. Cultivate the habit and you will find an increase in reasons. This card is about abundance and endurance.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-26-23

3-26-23 Today’s Tarot is Key 12 Choice. It is good to remember that not choosing is also a choice. There is really no way around choices. They are just part of life and every choice takes you somewhere, where there will also be more choices. This card is about choices and decisions.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-25-23

3-25-23 Today’s Tarot is the Eight of Earth. Efforts create prosperity. If you don’t believe you have the skills, go back to school or training. Focus on what you want, apply yourself and you will succeed. This card is about skill and effort.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-24-23

3-24-23 Today’s Tarot is the Child of Earth. The best way to change is to learn something new. Just deciding to change, with the same circumstances and attitude is much harder. Expand your knowledge and enlighten your mind. This card is about learning and growth.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot April 2023 Forecast

ARIES – It’s all about balance this month. Too many things are pulling you this way and that. It is up to you to set the limits and discern what is most important. If not, your chaotic energy will be free flowing.

TAURUS – This month should be all about having fun (within reason of course). Make plans for the summer and enjoy time spent with your favorite people. You deserve some time off.

GEMINI – Changes may come this month in the form of a new beginning or opportunity. It is not something to fear or dread, but a result of something you put into action. There is a very positive result.

CANCER – If you are constantly looking back, you cannot move forward. Since you cannot go backward, that puts you in a place of stagnation. We are meant to move. Open up to new possibilities.

LEO – It is never good to neglect your own well-being. Nothing is worth that. Take a good look at where you are right now and if it is benefitting you or creating disharmony in your life. Then, try to make the necessary positive changes.

VIRGO – Things begin to open up. There are opportunities coming this month that you didn’t expect. Do not sell yourself short. You are capable of much more than you think you are and nothing is beyond your reach.

LIBRA – Keep your wits about you. You are not easily fooled, but someone may be dishonest with you in a way that causes you problems. If you think there is something wrong, there is. Best to walk away.

SCORPIO – You may need to go a different direction in order to achieve your goals. This month calls for some soul searching and research to see if you are on the right track or if changes need to be made. Just because you started in one direction, doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

SAGITTARIUS – Whenever you take control of a situation, it is in some ways a freeing feeling. You are no longer subject to someone else’s opinion and can do things in the way that you think is best. It will work out better that way.

CAPRICORN – Wanting to try something new? This month is a good one for you to expand your horizons a bit. Maybe take some risks and do something completely out of character and you may find a new pastime or passion has arrived.

AQUARIUS – Ideas and plans are in the works. Whatever you are designing will materialize and may even be envied by someone else who copies your idea. If this can be patented or whatever, that may be a good idea, because it is a good idea.

PISCES – Sometimes there seems to be no good choices. At those times, choose the best you can and be patient for additional choices to open up. The world is constantly moving and changing. Remember, there are as many good times as bad.

Teresa Sue McAdams, co-creator of “Today’s Journey Tarot”, co-author of “Today’s Journey Tarot, A Traveler’s Guide”, co-author of “Tarot Meditations, A Journal for Self-Discovery”, and author of “Lessons, The Wisdom Within Each Moment”

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 3-23-23

3-23-23 Today’s Tarot is the Mother of Earth. You are probably harder on yourself than anyone else is. We all make mistakes sometimes. Self-love is self-acceptance. It is the acceptance of being human. This card is about nurturing and well-being.

Teresa Sue McAdams