Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-31-24

1-31-24 Today’s Tarot is Key 2 Wisdom. Trust yourself. The answers you need may already be within you, if you just look inside. You have knowledge and wisdom far beyond your expectations. This card is about hidden and unseen knowledge.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-30-24

1-30-24 Today’s Tarot is the Ten of Water. Time spent with those we love to be with, revitalize us and make us happy. We should all strive to do it more often. This card is about expressing happiness and love.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-29-24

1-29-24 Today’s Tarot is the Youth of Fire. It may be time to stop and honestly reevaluate the direction your life is going. Is it headed the way you wanted or expected? If not, what changes can you make to get back on track? This card is about recklessly creating your life.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-28-24

1-28-24 Today’s Tarot is the Three of Earth. Honestly recognize your own talent. It doesn’t matter if no one else does, yet. You have to believe in you first.  This card is about recognition and ability.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-27-24

1-27-24 Today’s Tarot is the Child of Earth. Never stop learning. Pick up a book on a subject you know nothing about. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Make a new friend. Grow. This card is about knowledge and growth.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-26-24

1-26-24 Today’s Tarot is the Father of Earth. Being satisfied with what you have, means you will always have enough. It does not mean you will not have more. Just the opposite. This card is about abundance and enduring creativity.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-25-24

1-25-24 Today’s Tarot is the Seven of Fire. There is always going to be pressure and stress in the outside world, but you get to choose whether or not it will affect you adversely.  Remain inwardly calm by being so. This card is about overcoming challenges and the pressures of life.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-24-24

1-24-24 Today’s Tarot is the Five of Fire. The way to avoid the fray, is not to play the game. It’s all up to you. This card is about turmoil and competition.

Teresa Sue McAdams

Today’s Journey Tarot February 2024 Forecast

ARIES – Be gentle with yourself this month as you are trying to make an important decision. Most of the pressure is coming from you, alone. Be sensitive to your needs and the needs of others around you and calmly look at your options. It is usually best to follow your heart.

TAURUS – It is useless to worry about something you can’t control. There are some things that just have to be accepted as they are, even though we want them to be different. It will be easier in the long run to deal with what is. Worry is never, ever productive.

GEMINI – If you’ve been thinking about going back to school or taking some classes, this is a great time to start something new. Just make sure it is something you really want and will lead where you want to go. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t get out of it what you expected.

CANCER – Fear is a tool meant to keep us safe from harm. It is not meant to be a way of life. It is a destroyer of dreams. Push yourself, little by little if necessary to make progress toward your goals. This month can be a turning point.

LEO – Your energy seems to be a little bit scattered and your attention easily distracted right now. Some grounding or Earth energy would be helpful. Spend some time in nature if possible or carry a pretty rock in your pocket. It will help you focus.

VIRGO – Expect the unexpected this month, but don’t let it throw you. You are perfectly capable to handle anything that comes along and will definitely land on your feet once again. By the end of the month everything is back to normal and confidence is restored.

LIBRA – Remain optimistic and excited about future projects. Don’t try to rush it or push it before its time. Be assured that you will know when to act and right now you are laying the ground work for success. There is still much to learn.

SCORPIO – Celebrate the little wins along the way. You have been working hard, and there is more to do, but you are beginning to see the rewards in sight. Keep doing what you are doing and you will get there, but there is time now for more leisure along the way.

SAGITTARIUS – Attachment to anything from the past can impede our ability to be satisfied with now. When you finally let go, there is nothing further in your way. You can confidently accomplish anything you choose to do.

CAPRICORN – We usually get taken advantage of whenever we aren’t paying close enough attention or are distracted for some reason. There are good people and bad people in the world. It might be a good idea to remember that this month.

AQUARIUS – Don’t be disappointed if something doesn’t turn out the way you hoped. It doesn’t mean there is no chance at success, just that you may need to take another route to get there. It could also mean the timing isn’t quite right yet.

 PISCES – Be aware that everything you think, do or say comes back to you in the form of karma. You may be tempted to do something against your better judgement. Before you do, imagine it returning to you tenfold.

Teresa Sue McAdams, co-creator of “Today’s Journey Tarot”, co-author of “Today’s Journey Tarot, A Traveler’s Guide”, co-author of “Tarot Meditations, A Journal for Self-Discovery”, and author of “Lessons, The Wisdom Within Each Moment”

Today’s Journey Tarot Card of the Day 1-23-24

1-23-24 Today’s Tarot is the Four of Air. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegate to others, or maybe just get out of their way. This card is about rest and relief.

Teresa Sue McAdams